Softer, Smoother Skin & Ingrown Hair Treatment | AHA+ by AHA+ 1

The promises of glycolic acid in skincare sound almost too good to be true: softer, smoother, younger and clearer looking skin?  Sign me up!  I had been interested in trying a glycolic acid treatment for a long time but I never knew which one to go for.  After discovering Beautypedia and spending far too many hours reading product reviews I finally settled on this one by, and the results have been fantastic.

I am by no means getting to the stage where I’m overly concerned with the signs of aging, but I do subscribe to the “prevention is better than treatment” theory.  The main benefit I was hoping to get from this product was acne related.  As I’ve gotten older my skin has definitely started to change from oily to combination/dry, but I still have frequent breakouts.  I also switched birth control methods to a low hormone option.  While I’m happy with the switch in all other respects, I now have to contend with hormonal acne.  This type of acne shows up on either side of my chin, along my jawline, and some under my chin (which I have never had before and it grosses me out).  It’s also generally cystic and can be painful.

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